Vietnam Project

Material and Tectonic Application

The outer leaf of the double façade is comprised of 3 main components which are the red cedar timber louvers, pilkington low e insulight glass and a green wall. the green wall has 3 main functions- to filtrate the highly concentrated co2 levels of the outside air into the building, to help act as a shading element and to act as an aesthetic element to the façade. the green wall is a modular system with built in meshwork to enable continous plant support for climbing plants to create a live curtain.the felt layers continous plant support for climbing plants to create a live curtain.the felt layers within the structure contain growth mediums as do the plant pots themselves. automatic irrigation systems are also installed into the top of the green walls to ensure the green walls are healthy. by adding the irrigation systems, the air surrounding the building will be cooled by the water and so will allow cooler air to enter the building via the double façade.